The Netflix Book Tag

It’s been a while since I’ve done a tag, and I’ve seen this one floating around and it looked like a lot of fun! I’m pretty sure everyone knows what a book tag is at this point, so I’ll just stop beating around the bush and get right to it!

Recently Watched – The last book you finished reading


The last book I finished was PS I Still Love You by Jenny Han! The first book was just so amazing that I had to get the next two books to binge! I cried, I laughed, I connected with Lara Jean on like, every level. I absolutely love her and how she handles being in a relationship with Peter, and even though it’s not the easiest, she makes it work and knows what is best for her. 

Top Picks – A book recommended to you based off another book you read


The very first book series that comes to mind is the Falling Kingdoms series because it has been compared to Game of Thrones. I’ve read the first book and got halfway through the second book and it felt like there wasn’t a lot happening and I didn’t really get the GoT comparison. If you’ve read the series, let me know if it gets any better and if I should continue on with it!


Recently Added – The book you most recently bought


Well I’m writing this on payday, so let me check Amazon quick to see what I ordered. I know I shouldn’t be spending my money immediately on payday, but its just SO HARD. I have a problem and there really should be a support group for people who buy way too many books. I recently ordered The Ninth Rain by Jen Williams and I finally preordered Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J Maas! And believe me when I say I had to hold myself back so that I can buy food for myself, because ya girl has to eat.

Popular on Netflix – One book you’ve read and one book you haven’t read that everyone talks about


So obviously I recently read TATBILB, but I’ve already mentioned that book twice so far in this tag alone, so I’ll choose something different. A popular book that I’ve read would be The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, and I am so happy I read it because it was amazing! Alternatively, a book series that is popular that I haven’t read yet is The Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson. I own the first two books and I do have plans to read them, but I just haven’t yet!

Comedies – Name a funny book


I tend to not read a lot of funny books, but I do love when I read a fantasy that has funny one liners or sarcastic characters that just make me laugh. The first one that comes to my mind is Theft of Swords by Michael J Sullivan, not because it is a funny book, but because the interactions between Hadrian and Royce are just so funny to me.



Dramas – Name a character who is a drama king/queen


Originally, I couldn’t think of anything for this prompt and left it blank. But now that I am proofreading, I realized that there is one character that I want to mention for this, mainly because I am currently watching the movies while typing up blog posts. That character would be Thranduil from The Hobbit. Oh Lord is he sassy and such a drama queen, especially in the movies! I just love his character and I honestly don’t know if you can get more dramatic than him. Like, he is so dramatic he gets a gif AND a photo for this prompt!28ec994156680d3ed3a17429f16a9199

Cartoons – Name a book with cartoons on the cover


Wow, another question where I don’t really have an answer! I don’t like books that have cartoons on them, so the closest that I can get is my edition of Carry On by Rainbow Rowell. They aren’t really cartoons, but I have nothing else so….




Watch Again – A book or series you really want to reread


There are so many series I want to reread! I think top of my list would be Harry Potter since I’ve only read the series once when I was a kid. I am also working through my reread of Throne of Glass in anticipation of Kingdom of Ash!

Documentaries – A non-fiction you’d recommend to everyone


Immediately I think of Smoke Gets in Your Eyes by Caitlin Doughty. It’s such an eye opening look at death and death culture, and it really made me stop and think about how crazy some of our customs are in the US when it comes to burying (or burning) our dead. I’ve had a few family members read this book and they’ve all loved it! I cannot wait to pick up her second book and give that one a go too!


Action/Adventure – Name an action packed book or series


Again, in the effort to not name the same series over and over, *cough* Throne of Glass *cough* I’m going to go with Furyborn by Claire Legrand. I was lucky enough to get an arc of the book before it came out, and let me just say that I have NEVER read an e-book faster in my entire life! I was on the edge of my seat and it literally felt like my heart was pounding the entire time!



New Releases – A new release you are excited about


Can I say Kingdom of Ash even though I’ve mentioned it multiple times already? Because I am SO. PUMPED. As an alternative, I’ll mention Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon, because dragons. And a Queendom. And it sounds like everything I’ve ever wanted in a book, plus Samantha is a fantastic person and if you don’t follow her on twitter already, what are you doing???


And there we have it! Another successful book tag! If this is something that interests you, do it and tag me in it so we can compare answers! I’d love to hear from you, so let me know what you think of my choices in the comments. Anything you would add? Change? Let me know!





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