Turning Around My Unread Books

I got this idea from Holly over at Holly Hearts Books on YouTube. She’s one of my favorite booktubers and is such a fantastic person! She has a video where she turned around all of her unread books and I thought it was such a fun idea and so satisfying to watch when she was able to turn those books back around after she finished reading them. My problem? My books at the time were stacked on top of each other which meant that turning them around wasn’t as aesthetically pleasing.

After I got my new bookshelf that I showed off on my Instagram, I finally was able to space out my books a little more and I was so excited to finally be able to turn around all my unread books! I only turned around my unread books on my two main shelves because the other ones are still stacked and the smaller of the two are two rows deep so it wouldn’t make much sense to do those as well.


Shelf #1

This is actually one of the shelves I’ve read the most on, so be prepared for it to go downhill from here. I haven’t read 9/16 on this shelf which is pretty good! I’ve also added The Storm Crow to this shelf recently after I read it, so technically it is 9/17. My favorite read book on this shelf is probably The Priory of the Orange Tree.




Shelf #2

This is where things start to go downhill. I really wish I could say that I’ve read all the books on this shelf but unfortunately I haven’t, although I am halfway through both The Rage of Dragons and The Way of Kings, so hopefully I’ll be able to turn those around soon! This shelf is 2/17, and my favorite so far is The Eye of the World.




Shelf #3

There are so many books on this shelf that I know that I will love once I read them, and the majority of them are series. I’m currently halfway through Sword of Destiny and Shadowblack but I haven’t picked up Shadowblack in quite a while. I’m 6/22 on this shelf, and my favorite is actually really hard because I’ve loved each of the books I’ve read on this shelf!


Shelf #4

This shelf has a bunch of self published fantasy on the left and a bunch of sci-fi as well. I used to have a dedicated sci-fi shelf but I reorganized to have books of the same size on a shelf so they got split up.  I’m 3/24 on this shelf, and my favorite has been Kill the Queen!


Shelf #5

This shelf holds the rest of my sci-fi books with a few other hardcovers that didn’t fit on the other shelf with books this size. As far as books I’ve read, I realized while looking at these photos that I’ve actually read Scythe and accidentally turned it around! I left off with about 100 pages left of Leviathan Wakes, but I haven’t started any other books on this shelf. I’m only 2/18 on this shelf for books read.


Shelf #6

This is the worst shelf I have for books I’ve read, because I haven’t actually finished any of these yet! I’ve started quite a few but I just haven’t gotten around to finishing them yet. The books I’ve started are: The Winter Road, The Fifth Season, The Dragon Lords: Fools Gold, Uprooted, and Gates of Stone.


Shelf #7

This is my other shelf that I’ve read most of the books on it, and it mainly consists of YA fantasy. I have so many favorites on this shelf, but mainly Three Dark Crowns, Aurora Rising, Onyx & Ivory and A Darker Shade of Magic! I do need to do a reread though of ADSOM since it’s been a while and I don’t remember too much. This shelf is 12/20, which is my best shelf!


Shelf #8

And my final shelf is yet again, my worst shelf. This has the rest of my taller paperbacks on it and I’m really excited to get to all of these because I’ve heard such great things! I have started to read one book on this shelf, which is the Art of War short story collection. Sadly I’m 0/20 on this shelf.


There we have it! All of my unread books are now turned around on my shelves. Honestly I think it looks kinda cool, and it’s been really motivating me to read more of the books I own instead of buying new ones because it’s so satisfying to turn them around! Everyone who comes over to my apartment thinks I’m crazy, but that’s fine.


Would you ever turn your unread books around? If you’ve done this I would love to see!






21 responses to “Turning Around My Unread Books”

  1. Stephen Writes Avatar

    This is a very interesting idea and I hope it works!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. meltingpages Avatar

      Thank you! I’m honestly loving how my shelves look and its a lot of fun turning the books around once I read them!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Nicole Evans Avatar

    This is such a cool idea! I feel like I would just get depressed, though, with how many books I’d have to turn around. *nervous laughter* However, it would feel SO satisfying to be able to turn it around after reading it, so maybe I’ll give it a try? Also, I just LOVE your book collection, you have so many quality books and so many I want to try reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. meltingpages Avatar

      Thank you! I was really nervous about it at first too but it looks so cool on my sleves!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Devour Books with Dana Avatar
    Devour Books with Dana

    This is so cool! I keep track of my books by having a shelf for unread, books I want to talk about on the blog, books from the library and just books I want to keep out cause I love them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. meltingpages Avatar

      I definitely don’t have the shelf space for that! I usually have all mine mixed together and I love the way my main shelves look now!


  4. Becca Leighanne (Bex) Avatar

    This is such a good idea! I wish I was more organized at the moment to do this 😦 But my shelf definitely doesn’t have room for all of my books 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. meltingpages Avatar

      I didn’t have enough room either, so I made two shelves organized enough to do it! The rest of my shelves are a mess though lol

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Alex @ WhimsyPages Avatar

    OMG I watched her video too and really considered to turn all of my unread books, but there are so many of them! Ahaha
    And OH OH OH you own the Malice trilogy!!! I’m very excited to read it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. meltingpages Avatar

      I’m really excited to read it too! But they’re huge and I just need to find time to commit to them lol

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Sarah Joyce Avatar

    This is such a fun idea but the Librarian in me has me worried about not being able to find the books I want to read!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. meltingpages Avatar

      My mom said the same thing, but for me since this is my main shelf I know what’s there and if I forget I always have the photos! 😅


  7. thecritiquesofafangirl Avatar

    This is a very interesting idea, I would like to try it but I know I won’t be able to stick with it because I like seeing the spines of my books(okay, that sounded weird)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. meltingpages Avatar

      I don’t think it sounds weird! I also like seeing the spines of my books so I know what I have lol


  8. noémie, tempest of books Avatar

    It looks very cool and it’s such an interesting idea! I wouldn’t be able to do it, since my unread books are ebooks, but I loved this post! ♥

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Emma @ AFCTL Avatar

    This is such an awesome idea!
    I would try this but I currently have all my books in storage, I’m hoping to buy a new bookshelf soon though!
    – Emma 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. meltingpages Avatar

      I wouldn’t be able to keep all my books in storage, it would drive me crazy! Have fun organizing your shelf when you get it!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Arya D. @Arya's Fangirl Lexicon Avatar

    This is a really cool idea! I think I would do it the other way though with the books I haven’t read facing out instead of in. Mainly because if I can’t see the title I forget that I have it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. meltingpages Avatar

      I totally understand doing it that way, I personally like seeing the books I’ve read, plus it motivates me to read the unread ones so I can turn them around!


  11. Book Blogger Inside Look Tag – Melting Pages Avatar

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